We'd love to welcome you to our Church Services. We realise that attending in person isn't possible for everyone so we offer a range of Worship which you can join in with from your home.
Sunday Services and Festivals are live streamed on Youtube via our channel: www.youtube.com/stmarysattleborough where you can also catch-up later.
Here are all the links you'll need to join in with worship coming up and how to find the Order of Service too.
Sunday Services and Festivals are live streamed on Youtube via our channel: www.youtube.com/stmarysattleborough where you can also catch-up later.
Here are all the links you'll need to join in with worship coming up and how to find the Order of Service too.
Sunday 9th February: The Fourth Sunday before Lent
10am: The Parish Eucharist
To go directly to the YouTube feed click here
The Service Sheet is available to download here
3.30pm: Choral Evensong from Norwich Cathedral with the Installation of Honorary Canons, including our Rector.
To go directly to the YouTube feed click here
The Service Sheet is available to download here
Please note: Norwich Cathedral Service usually only remain on YouTube for a few hours after they are live-streamed
Daily Prayer
Morning Prayer, Monday to Saturday 9am
please use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85628038276?pwd=cE1LYXZ6VTRrVVNwL042b3VMUWdjUT09
If prompted: Meeting ID 856 2803 8276, Passcode 359618
Evening Prayer, Monday to Saturday 5pm
please use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89510755256?pwd=Kzd2OWJibGdTVEdld2xTcTVwZy9JQT09
If prompted: Meeting ID 895 1075 5256, Passcode 716298
The words for morning and evening prayer can be downloaded from the Church of England website
On days when a Eucharist replaces Evening Prayer use this Service Sheet
Download our Benefice Cycle of Prayer
10am: The Parish Eucharist
To go directly to the YouTube feed click here
The Service Sheet is available to download here
3.30pm: Choral Evensong from Norwich Cathedral with the Installation of Honorary Canons, including our Rector.
To go directly to the YouTube feed click here
The Service Sheet is available to download here
Please note: Norwich Cathedral Service usually only remain on YouTube for a few hours after they are live-streamed
Daily Prayer
Morning Prayer, Monday to Saturday 9am
please use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85628038276?pwd=cE1LYXZ6VTRrVVNwL042b3VMUWdjUT09
If prompted: Meeting ID 856 2803 8276, Passcode 359618
Evening Prayer, Monday to Saturday 5pm
please use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89510755256?pwd=Kzd2OWJibGdTVEdld2xTcTVwZy9JQT09
If prompted: Meeting ID 895 1075 5256, Passcode 716298
The words for morning and evening prayer can be downloaded from the Church of England website
On days when a Eucharist replaces Evening Prayer use this Service Sheet
Download our Benefice Cycle of Prayer