Holy Week and Easter 2023
Morning and Evening Prayer continue online at 9am and 5pm via the links on the 'Worship from Home' page.
Palm Sunday, 2nd April
8am Holy Communion
9.50am Procession from the East End of the Churchyard
10am The Parish Eucharist* (Service Sheet) (Dramatic Reading) (YouTube)
6.30pm Evening Prayer
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
8pm Holy Communion* (Service Sheet) (YouTube Monday) (YouTube Tuesday) (YouTube Wednesday)
9.00pm Compline* (Service Sheet) (YouTube links as Holy Communion)
Maundy Thursday, 6th April
10am Holy Communion
8pm Eucharist of the Last Supper* and keeping of the Watch till Midnight (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
Good Friday, 7th April
11.30am Act of Witness in Queen’s Square
1pm Stations of the Cross
2pm The Last Hour* (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
8pm Compline* (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
Holy Saturday, 8th April
8pm The Easter Vigil* (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
Easter Day, 9th April
8am Holy Communion
10am The Parish Eucharist* followed by an Easter Egg Hunt (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
6.30pm Choral Evensong* (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
* also live-streamed to www.youtube.com/stmarysattleborough
Palm Sunday, 2nd April
8am Holy Communion
9.50am Procession from the East End of the Churchyard
10am The Parish Eucharist* (Service Sheet) (Dramatic Reading) (YouTube)
6.30pm Evening Prayer
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
8pm Holy Communion* (Service Sheet) (YouTube Monday) (YouTube Tuesday) (YouTube Wednesday)
9.00pm Compline* (Service Sheet) (YouTube links as Holy Communion)
Maundy Thursday, 6th April
10am Holy Communion
8pm Eucharist of the Last Supper* and keeping of the Watch till Midnight (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
Good Friday, 7th April
11.30am Act of Witness in Queen’s Square
1pm Stations of the Cross
2pm The Last Hour* (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
8pm Compline* (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
Holy Saturday, 8th April
8pm The Easter Vigil* (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
Easter Day, 9th April
8am Holy Communion
10am The Parish Eucharist* followed by an Easter Egg Hunt (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
6.30pm Choral Evensong* (Service Sheet) (YouTube)
* also live-streamed to www.youtube.com/stmarysattleborough